A writer writes, alwaysSo, I am thinking about doing something foolish. My friend
Mitch was in town and he let me know that Brandon Sanderson is teaching a writing class this semester. Sanderson, as it turns out, is a fantasy and science fiction author who was recently
picked to finish the
Wheel of Time series. I haven't read any of his other stuff, but I did get one of his books for Christmas and I am thinking about picking up a couple of the others.
It would be a little weird for me to be in class as a student again, especially at an institution where I am currently
teaching. And since going to grad school I think I have only written one story. But maybe it's time for me to get started again.
I went to the first class, and from what I can tell, the time commitment will be smallish. The class is in the evening, so that's nice. And all I have to do is write 8-10 pages of fiction every week and read what the other three or four people in my group write. I can do the writing on Saturday or Sunday, whenever I have a couple of hours. And the reading I should be able to do in less than an hour on Thursday afternoon. So I got an add card signed, and I got clearance to enroll. I haven't turned in the add card yet, but I have until Friday to think about it.
It could be fun. I might even let you, my imaginary readers, see what I write for class. Neato!